1954 - The elders of the West End Church of Christ (one of the first churches of Christ in Atlanta) became interested in establishing a congregation in the Cascade Heights area, and set aside the contributions on the fifth Sundays for a Cascade Heights Building Fund.
1958 - The new building was completed in May and the congregation moved in with a record crowd of 330 on May 25, 1958.
1969 - A committee was appointed to look for suitable land upon which the congregation could relocate sometime in the future. On October 23, 1969 23 acres were purchased on Clark Road in South Fulton County for future use of the congregation.
1971 - The re-zoning for church use was approved on about 10 acres of the property.
1972 - Sunday morning, March 26, 1972 was designated as the last service at Cascade Heights. After March 26, 1972 the congregation would be known as the Cedar Grove Church of Christ. Until the new building could be built, the Cedar Grove Church would meet in the Cliftondale Elementary School.
1973 - On Sunday January 21, 1973, the groundbreaking ceremony was held and construction of the 11,000 square foot building was begun.
1974 - By Sunday, April 21, 1974, the church was near completion enough for the first service to be conducted in the new building.